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Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Cyber Single Reed Academy

Dr. Jun Qian



Second Annual
Junior Clarinet Virtuosi Workshop

Middle School 
music explorers, 

Band leaders,



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  1. Six hours of professional elite training with Dr. Jun Qian
  2. Helping middle school students to gain a solid musical foundation, learn discipline
  3. Explore the love of the music, have confidence in their abilities
  4.  Strive to improve and become a strong clarinet performer for their school programs.
  5. Helping students who might have ADD and ADHD symptoms to focus more on school through their music training.


Friday, July 26, 2024   

9:30 am-3:45 pm      


3420 Fairfield Lane, Highland Village, TX 75077



1. Receive six hours of elite training from Dr. Qian

2. Focus on individual musical growth

3. Hands-on training for perfection and refinements

4. Meet motivated players in the area and learn from each other

5. Have a fun potluck party and pool time during lunchtime. 

( Parents and family members are welcome!) 



Schedule on Friday, July 26

8:45: On Site Check in and Registration  starts

9:30-10:15:  Fundamental Training I:  Breathing and Embouchure 


10:15:  Break

10:30- 11:00. Reeds Adjustments; Mouthpieces; Knowing your instrument

​11:00- 12:00:  Fundamental Training II: Developing and refining basic techniques 


12:00-1:00: Lunch Break (Bring your own lunch); Try out the Legere Reeds and Selmer Paris Professional Clarinets; Swimming Pool is also available for relaxation. ( Parental supervision are required). 

1:00-2:15: Chamber Music Fun sight read projects and bring your own music to share with everyone 

2:15-2:30: Break

2:30- 3:00:  Fundamental Training III:  Developing  advanced techniques 

3:00-3:30: Masterclass on individual solos and performance anxiety issues

3:30-3:45 Conclusion. (Questions and Answers, parents are welcomed!) 

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